The Growing Use of Technology in Manufacturing

Advancements in technology are quickly changing the landscape of virtually every industry, especially that of manufacturing. We now have technology like additive manufacturing, computerized maintenance systems, digital twins, automation integration and artificial intelligence, all making the manufacturing process easier, if used correctly.

Unplanned downtime and reactive maintenance are productivity destroyers for your facility, yet almost all maintenance is, by necessity, reactive. Artificial intelligence, or AI, is being used in a variety of ways, including detecting for predictive maintenance. Predictive maintenance is a proactive approach. It takes a more real-time, data-driven approach to identifying the potential for issues very early on. Predictive maintenance with the help of AI, takes measurements from machine operations as they are occurring and uses this data to raise red flags when indications of a problem are noted.

Data sensors and monitors can help you understand which equipment is more likely to need maintenance or replacement parts in the nearer future, making ordering decisions less of a guessing game and more of a data-backed methodology. For more on this, check out the accompanying resource below!

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